Monday 1 December 2014

Snail Shell Art

          Dead Snail Shell Art         

Snails are very lovely creature of nature. Even the dead snail shells look pretty. Here I am going to add some bit of colour to make it more pretty. I hope you will like it.

Here are the steps:-

Step 1

Some dead Snail shells are collected from the countryside.

Step 2

The shells are washed properly before colours and designs are made on it.

Step 3 (materials Used)

Acrylics colours are used to made designs on the shells.

Darker shades of colour like Black, Prussian Blue, Brown, Sap Green etc. are used for dark colour shells and lighter shades of colour like Yellow, Pink, Red, White, Sky Blue etc. are used for light colour shells.

Brush no.00 and Brush no. 1 are used to make designs on the shells. A thick brush is used to make body colours of the shells.

Step 4

After the body (base) colour is made the shells are left sometime for drying.


Step 5

First set of motifs are drawn and are allowed to dry again. Once the first set of motifs are dried the next set of motifs are drawn on the shells.

Hair dryer can also be used for quick drying.

{But don't use it, if your cat doesn't like the sound of dryer.}

Step 6

The snail body is made with Plasticine  or  clay. It can be done before or after the motifs are drawn.


                      Mr/Mrs snail is ready for the ramp .

                       It can be kept inside an aquarium too.

Thank-you :) for Reading my blog, be happy :) , take care, bye .